Use "rustle|rustled|rustles|rustling" in a sentence

1. Synonyms for Crepitation include crepitus, rustle, whisper, rustling, swish, crackle, susurration, swishing, crinkling and susurrus

2. Her silk dress rustled as she moved.

3. No leaves rustling.

4. Her taffeta dress rustles as she moves past.

5. The leaves rustled in the breeze.

6. The leaves rustled tremulously in the wind.

7. Brustled vs rustled - what is the difference

8. It rustles(sentencedict .com), like a taffeta skirt across the floor.

9. The autumn wind is rustling [ soughing ] .

10. • The Crisp, dry leaves rustled underneath her feet

11. 1 They began to rustle harder.

12. The wind set the trees rustling.

13. I hear a rustling of the leaves.

14. A breeze had sprung up, rustling the trees.

15. The breeze rustled leaves in a dry and diaphanous distance.

16. I could hear rustling in the bushes.

17. You notice the leaves rustling with the wind.

18. Did you hear something rustling through the bushes?

19. I'm sure I can rustle you up a sandwich.

20. 6 I heard a faint rustle in the bushes.

21. 7 I heard a soft rustle of leaves.

22. I rustled up a few helpers to hand out leaflets.

23. Maria wore a layered white dress that rustled when she moved.

24. They have been busy rustling up new business.

25. 8 I'll rustle up some eggs and bacon for you.

26. 16 A rustle of interest ran around the classroom.

27. My heart sounds like corn leaves rustling in the wind.

28. Words like rustle and gargle are illustrations of onomatopoeia.

29. The branches rustling, an owl hooting in the woods.

30. I heard someone rustling the papers in my office.

31. Agitation of the leaves in the breeze made rustling sound.

32. The treaty was like rustle of wind to White man.

33. Creaking leather jackets, well-rubbed denim rustling between those confident thighs.

34. Shop life: tinkle of money, rustle of notes, voices.

35. A small animal was making rustling noises among the leaves.

36. 9 I'm sure I can rustle you up a sandwich.

37. Whitney, try and rustle up some more bandages, will you?

38. 12 I wish people wouldn't rustle their programmes during the solos.

39. Because neuter anabiosises beautifully, dust coat will gallop again in rustling wind.

40. 16 Agitation of the leaves in the breeze made rustling sound.

41. The shuffling and rustling of bodies settling again into the pews.

42. 10 She sat perfectly still, without even a rustle of her frilled petticoats.

43. Wind felt on face; leaves rustle; ordinary vane moved by wind.

44. 17 Shop life: tinkle of money, rustle of notes,( voices.

45. 13 I'll rustle up a couple of steaks on the barbecue.

46. Hear the birds and cicadas, listen for the gentle breeze rustling the leaves.

47. The long grass rustled at her feet as the White Rabbit hurried by -- the frightened

48. The yew trees grew densely, some of them covered with ivy that rustled and rattled.

49. 15 Roland heard the rustle of biscuit wrappers and looked up at John expectantly.

50. Blue-grey spike grass rustles amid swamp box and bush banksias, a frog, perhaps, or even a wallaby.

51. 14 There was a rustle of paper as people turned the pages.

52. 26 Wind felt on face; leaves rustle; ordinary vane moved by wind.

53. 11 Give me a minute and I'll rustle something up for supper.

54. 3 Let's see if somebody can rustle up a cup of coffee.

55. RAFTER was not well received. At first it was just a rustle.

56. How about first thing in the morning we rustle up some more berries?

57. 5 With a rustle of wings the bird landed on the window ledge.

58. Roland heard the rustle of biscuit wrappers and looked up at John expectantly.

59. The trees outside the window rustled as if they were laughing at his vexation and confusion.

60. 20 The readers' response: a big sigh and a rustle as they turn the page.

61. 23 They disappeared with only a rustle on the surface of the water.

62. 2 Hs promised to rustle up some young actors in a few days.

63. Suddenly he heard a rustle in the peony pavilion and someone sighing deeply.

64. The dark, leafless cottonwoods and rustling wind give the shady canyon a decidedly spooky feel.

65. Just after she had closed the cabinet door she heard a tiny rustling sound.

66. Shrimp cocktail with thousand island dressing, rare roast beef, rustled sprouts, apple pie a la mode, ovaltine.

67. When the leaves rustled overhead it was like the spirits whispered about the things that bothered them.

68. Could you hear a rustling as a breeze passed through the leaves? —Isaiah 7:2.

69. 18 Surely one of the press lords could rustle up a limousine for her use?

70. 29 As the wind blows we can hear the leaves rustle in the trees.

71. 25 The other nine songs on the album however, rustle past your ears like dead leaves.

72. The rustling of packaging caused him to sigh and ask the computer to turn up the sound.

73. Horse rustling, along with theft of tack, horse boxes, trailers and other equipment, is a growing problem.

74. I gotta rustle up with a German uniform I took to plough the course tomorrow.

75. Every now and then the wind blew and rustled the branches and the snow was shaken down from the leaves.

76. Turn out the lights, they hear rustling noises downstairs: a gang of cauliflower trying the back door.

77. Words and phrases that rhyme with bustling: (8 results) 2 syllables: Brustling, hustling, justling, muscling, rustling, tussling

78. Aside from its rustling, the whirring of these mechanical arms is the only sound to be heard.

79. When she next looked inland, the terrain had changed to soft, silvery sand and rustling, bumpy dunes.

80. 22 Another rustle followed before a glossy blackbird hopped out and made off towards the parkland.